Be sure to keep cars locked

There have been reports of car burglaries in our neighborhood.  A group of people were spotted going car to car.  It appeared like they were targeting unlocked cars.  The police have been notified.

Notice of 2017 HOA Dues Increase

At our past annual meeting held on June 1st of this year, the common concern was the general appearance of the neighborhood and what will be done to restore Wellington back to the condition it once was. After much conversation in the monthly board meeting, the same conclusion was reached, needed, anticipated and costly maintenance. With the rate of our current dues, the board has only been able to appropriate expenses that require immediate attention and not address the growing requests of our homeowners and our aging neighborhood’s needs. On November 2nd, 2016 after a great deal of debate, the board voted unanimously to increase dues by $39 from $156 to $195, which will be reflected in the 2017 HOA billing.

First, the history, Here’s what the annual dues have been for the last decade:
2006 – 2015 $118
2015 – 2016 $156
2017 – $195
As you can see, we did not have an increase in dues for the first 9 years of the last decade and the average annual increase over the last ten years is $7.80. Annual increase or special assessments are the only way to increase our cash flow.

The needed and anticipated maintenance expenses include but are not limited to:

Dead tree removal on Wellington Homeowners common areas &
Stump grinding of dead trees when needed: $8,500
Tree replacement on Wellington Homeowners common areas: $9,375
Maintenance and upkeep of Paul Road entrance island: $2,700
Maintenance and upkeep of Marshall Road entrance: TBD
Maintenance or replacement of deck overlooking pond: TBD
Dredging of pond at Paul Road entrance to reduce algae issues: $15,000
Chemicals, fountain and aerator maintenance of 3 ponds: TBD
Unanticapated expenses: TBD
Total: $35,575

The initial estimates we have for the planned work indicate that it is prudent to increase dues now to begin accumulating the funds necessary to pay for the expenses over the next few years.

The goal of the board is the preservation of the integrity of Wellington and our property values. If you have any questions or concerns you are invited to the monthly board meeting December 7th, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the Chili Library or e-mail us at under the “contact us” tab. To allow for proper seating please contact us in advance if you plan to attend in person. We welcome all input.

Thank you,
The Wellington Board

Results from the 2015 vote

Results from the 2015 vote

10.01 – Homesite Use
Current – 56
Amended – 91
10.05 – Sheds
Current – 92
Amended – 57
10.08 – Commercial Vehicles
Current – 33
Amended – 114
10.09 – Fences
Current – 37
Amended – 110
11.01 – Enforcement
Current – 21
Amended – 126

Key Points:

  • The Wellington Board of Directors finalized proposed Amended Covenants 10.01, 10.05, 10.08, 10.09, and 11.01 and sent out ballots to Wellington home owners in early January.
  • In mid January, a reminder to vote was mailed to those homeowners who did not return ballots.
  • In order for a covenant to be changed, 151 votes are required in the affirmative to do so.
  • Out of the 226 homes in Wellington, only 149 homes responded to the vote.
  • A few of the items that were voted on will not add up to 149 total votes because some homeowners opted out from voting on specific issues.
  • Since the necessary 66% threshold was not reached for any of the proposed amendments, each will remain as originally written.
  • As stated when the vote was called for, if the amendment concerning Sheds did not pass the current HOA Board will no longer actively restrict or pursue the removal of sheds.
  • The Board will continue to enforce covenants that are interpreted as violations of our by-laws and hope that all homeowners share in the pride we have for our neighborhood that sets it apart and above others in Chili.