From the Board of Directors

At the time of closing on your property, you received or should have received copies of Wellington Bylaws and Restrictive Covenants. The documents can be found in our Documents: Bylaws and Declaration of Protective Covenants. For many homeowners, the decision to live in Wellington is based in large part on having deed restrictions on property use that enhances the character, beauty and value of homes in the neighborhood. Please look over the sections below for general information and information specific to some of the often overlooked Restrictive Covenants.

  • Trash Receptacles  Trash receptacles must be stored in garage until the day before pick-up. See Restrictive Covenant 10.12 below.
  • Property Maintenance Complaints The Town of Chili Building department receives and responds to property maintenance complaints. The Town cannot accept nor respond to anonymous complaints. Complaints must be in writing, signed by the complainant and submitted to the Building Department. The Town can only cite violations visible from the public realm. Absent the separate legal authority, the Town does not enter private property. Alleged violations seen from neighboring properties are possible with the written consent of the neighboring property owner. Once a violation has been assessed/confirmed, a Code Enforcement official will contact the property owner either in-person or in writing by issuing an Order to Remedy. Either of these methods will inform the property owner of the violation and prescribe a time for compliance.
  • Restrictive Covenant 10.05   No trailer, motor home, boat, tent, shack, barn or other structure shall be used for the purpose of a second residence on any homesite. No homesite or portion thereof shall be used for the purpose of outside storage of unused vehicles, junk or other abandoned equipment. No basement or substantially uncompleted structure shall be used as a residence.

    Unused equipment, tools, building materials, etc should be stored in garage.

    Unlicensed motor vehicles are considered to be unused and are prohibited from being kept on your homesite.

  • Restrictive Covenant Section 10.08 No licensed or unlicensed recreational vehicles, motor homes, boats, storage trailers or trucks with storage cabs or unlicensed standard vehicles will be left in the driveway of any yard. All such vehicles will be stored in the garage. No vehicles used for commercial purposes shall be parked within the limits of the subdivision.

    If you have or trailer, motor home, recreational vehicle, or boat and need to prepare it for service or storage, please keep the time on your homesite to 2 days before and after use.

    If you use a pick-up truck or van for your work and it has commercial graphics displayed, please cover graphics with a blank magnetic panel while it is on your homesite.

  • Restrictive Covenant Section 10.09 No wire link, or wood fence shall be placed upon any homesite within twenty-five (25’) feet of the property line except immediately surrounding any in ground pool as may be required by the rules of Monroe County Department of Health and the Town of Chili. Wood fences will be permitted to be placed on the rear yard of any reverse frontage homesites along Paul Road or Marshall Road to within sixty (60’) feet of the highway right-of-way line. Fences are restricted to four (4’) feet in height. No fences shall be placed on, over or around the landscaped berms on any reverse frontage lot along Paul Road or Marshall Road. No fences shall be place on any homesite front yard area.

    Fences can be wood, metal or vinyl and must be no higher than 4 feet.

    Generally they must be a minimum of 25′ inside rear and side property lines.

    Please refer to the link here for specific information about pool fences.

  • Restrictive Covenant Section 10.12   Trash receptacles, garbage containers and/or miscellaneous trash will remain in the garage until a reasonable time prior to collection at which time they may be set at the curb in front of each residence.

    The only acceptable storage location for trash receptacles, garbage containers and/or miscellaneous trash is in the garage. Storage in front, along side or in back of dwelling is not permitted.

    While this may pose an imposition; not having trash receptacles, garbage containers and/or miscellaneous trash stored outside is one of the things that sets Wellington apart from most other neighborhoods in Chili.

  • Restrictive Covenant Section 11.01 The Association or any owner shall have the right to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Association or any owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event deem a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.

The current HOA Board recognizes that before its tenure, certain violations to the Association’s Restrictive Covenants were not enforced. This, in no way, should be interpreted to mean that future violations in like kind are not subject to enforcement.

Wellington Homeowners Association Board Members

Name Title Email Phone
James Newton Interim President N/A N/A
David Simpson Vice President N/A N/A
Devon Christopher Treasurer N/A N/A
Erik Rockwell Secretary N/A N/A
Joel Chastek Board Member N/A N/A
David Jensen Board Member N/A N/A
Thomas Arias Board Member N/A N/A
Douglas Williams Board Member N/A N/A