Sinkholes around pond #2 walking path

There are sinkholes in two areas on the walking path around pond #2. Some of the residents have speculated that this is the result of muskrats. The board has taken the following actions:

  1. Contacted a DEC certified expert who was recommended by the town to evaluate our problem.  The expert concluded that these sinkholes are not the result of muskrat activity.  Instead, he believes that this is the result of former tree root systems that are decomposing.
  2. We have contracted a company to repair these areas.  The damaged areas will be excavated, filled and compacted with crush and run stone, and repaved with new asphalt.  This work is dependent on weather and should be completed within a few weeks.

Street Slow Down Signs

This is to inform the Wellington communty that per our recommendations discussed at the June HOA meeting; we are going ahead in October, 2017 to approach the Chili Town Highway Dept to erect slow down signs in our community. As stated this is to make our community a safer neighborhood and alert speed violators to heed the posted speed limits. Thanks for your time and attention to this matter and we welcome any comments you may have. From the board of directors

Discount for lawn mowing, landscaping projects and snow plowing

This year, the association has changed providers for lawn mowing of the common areas.  We now use Top Lawn and Landscape.  This company has offered a discount to Wellington residents.  Homeowners can receive a 15% discount on lawn mowing contracts and a 10% discount on landscaping projects and snow plowing.  If interested, please email or call 585-703-3279.

New Board Member Welcome

The Board would like to welcome new member, Douglas Williams.  Douglas moved into our community about a year ago and is looking forward to serving on the Broad.  Douglas, we look forward to working with you.

Illegal Motorized Vehicles

Recently there have been complaints for golf carts and minibikes traveling the pathways and streets within Wellington. These are unlicensed and being operated illegally. Please don’t hesitate to call 911 to report the use of unlicensed vehicles in our neighborhood.

Looking for new Board members

The Wellington Home Owners Association has openings for Board members.

Homeowners interested in preserving the neighborhood’s integrity, maintaining property values and contributing input on the future direction of the Home Owners Association should:

Go to:
Click on – contact us
Fill out required fields
In message section state “interest in open board position”
The board will contact you.

Interested parties will need to:
Be owners, co-owners, spouses of owners or mortgagees of lots.
Be able to meet the first Wednesday of each month from approximately 6:15pm to 8:00pm and attend the annual homeowners meeting the first week of each June.
Become familiar with our Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and the By-Laws of Wellington Homeowners Association, Inc.
Be a team player.

Trash Receptacles Belong Inside

Restrictive Covenant Section 10.12   Trash receptacles, garbage containers and/or miscellaneous trash will remain in the garage until a reasonable time prior to collection at which time they may be set at the curb in front of each residence.

Please be considerate of your Wellington neighbors by keeping trash receptacle(s) inside until the day before pick-up.

Thank you to the 96% of homeowners who take pride in the appearance of the neighborhood by following this Restrictive Covenant.

Wind storm damage

During the 3/8/17 wind storm, two trees in common areas were knocked over. The trees were located in the Windsor Park island and on the corner of Cornwall and Marshall Rd.

The Chili Highway Dept will remove these trees as they clean up damage around Chili.