This year, in light of COVID-19, we will not host a traditional, in person, annual meeting. Instead, we will publish this update to the website and encourage community members to ask the board questions using the ‘contact us’ function on the website. We will update this post with community questions and answers. We wish everyone the best during this challenging time.
Pond Update – Board Member Joel Chastek
My name is Joel Chastek and I have volunteered to help the HOA with pond management.
Pond 1 is the entrance pond off Paul Road
Pond 2 is the middle pond on Wellington Ponds and Cornwall Crossing
Pond 3 is located on White Oak Bend
The ponds in our development have been a problem for many years. In 2016 the board and in 2019 a resident reached out to Monroe County Conservation for solutions to help improve the quality of these ponds. In both reports they responded back that these are retention ponds for storm water runoff and are functioning as designed. The report gave some suggestions to reduce aquatic vegetation in the ponds. We implemented the suggestion of leaving a barrier around the ponds to absorb nutrients from lawn care services. I reduced the number of geese adding their nutrients with some fencing on pond 2. While these have helped, the ponds are over 30 years old. Sediment builds up, aquatic weeds and algae have flourished causing the health and capacity of our ponds to decline.
Pond 1 and pond 3 had been treated with natural solutions e.g. barley straw and grass carp. In 2018, a change was made to control vegetative growth as past measures failed. Pond 3 has responded the best. Pond 1’s depth has become an issue with sediment. We have had mixed results with treatments depending on heavy rainfall and temperatures. I have manually raked excessive algae in pond 1 and 2 for the last two seasons trying to reduce organic load on the ponds.
Last year I volunteered to develop a long term plan for the ponds. One challenge we face is lack of resources due to removing dead or dying trees. In the fall of 2019, we contacted an environmental engineering firm to help find a long term solution and to reduce cost of pond maintenance.
Short term: This year we will need to continue to use a pond management company for aquatic weed control. Pond 2 requires a permit to treat and we are in the process of applying for a DEC permit. We are hoping for approval by July. During our permit process our pond vendor canceled and we had to find another company. In meeting with our new vendor, I was impressed with his knowledge and recommendations to return our ponds to a more natural state and reducing treatment cost. Pond 3 seems to be responding to treatments and appears to be in good condition. A couple of homeowners on pond 2 donated $ 400 for pond dye to try and slow vegetation until our permit is secured.
Long term: Pond 1 needs to be dredged. We would need to get a permit from the Army Corp of Engineers. I will contact once the state removes restrictions. We will try and get some estimates later this year on cost. Pond 2 banks are eroding. We have a resident muskrat that maybe adding to the problem but I am finding erosion along over half the pond where the walkway is closest to the water. I have been rebuilding the banks using material donated from homeowners in Chili. I have found large rocks, concrete blocks and sod. This seems to be a good temporary fix in the most critical spots.
During our stay at home time, I have met many of you enjoying the ponds and walkways. If you see me, stop and chat; suggestions always welcome. I have attached some photos of the conditions of the ponds when not being treated.

Financial Update – Treasurer Devon Christopher
The 2019 balance sheet has been published to the website. Please click here to download the document.
Common areas – Vice President David Simpson
Continued harvesting of trees in 2019 and early 2020 has been completed. No new projects at this time as we work through pond issues.
Please be careful to remove any grass clippings that wind up on the street. The storm drains in our neighborhood are directly connected to the ponds. The grass clippings serve as nutrients for algae. Cleaning up grass clippings will increase the success of our treatment program and will save us from added expenses.
Common area mowing has been a little sketchy as new employees are ‘learning on the job’. Board is working through issues as they arise.
General Announcements & Comments
The annual garage sale has been postponed. We are looking at options to reschedule during late summer / fall. Details will be posted to the website when available.
Waste Management has offered a discount to Wellington Residents. (As of 2021, this is no longer available)
Restrictive Covenant 10.12 is still being enforced. Reasonable time for trash containers to be left outside is 1 day before and 1 day after scheduled pick-up.
In the past, we had a beatification committee. This group has lost momentum and we are looking for new members. If you would like to help out, please send us a message using the ‘contact us’ link on the website.
The board and residents are appreciative to those who have volunteered their time, talent and resources to make this a better community. We are aware of some of the volunteers, but it is impossible to know everyone who has helped. If you are aware of any others, please let the board know so that we can give proper acknowledgement.
- Kim Buonomo – Annual garage sale
- Jodi LaRose – Holiday entrance wreaths
- Joel Chastek – Joel has contributed a considerable amount of time to set up a new pond treatment program. Joel has manually raked the ponds for algae and sets up the geese barrier fence on pond 2.
- Carl Stafford – Pond maintenance including rebuilding the air pumps. Carl has worked with Joel out on the skiff raking and clearing fountains.
- Residents who have contributed additional funds for pond treatments outside of normal dues.